
Cost hair transplant Switzerland

Hair loss: physiological or pathological? 

The cost hair transplant Switzerland varies depending on the treatment one undergoes. Hair loss is a completely physiological process and therefore normal. Under certain conditions, however, it can become a problem, and the causes can be many: change of season, stress, hormonal imbalances, etc… It is a natural change linked to the hair regrowth cycle, which involves the birth, development, fall and new rebirth of the hair. Each hair has its own life cycle consisting of 3 phases:

  • active phase: this is the hair’s growth phase and can last around 2-4 years in men and 3-6 years in women.
  • stasis phase: this is a transitional phase, lasting 2-3 weeks, in which the hair begins to progressively stop its vital functions.
  • falling phase: this is the phase when the hair is dead and ready to fall out. It can last from 2 to 4 months.

In a person’s lifetime, each hair repeats the same growth cycle about twenty times, which is not synchronous, so each hair has a life cycle independent of the others. Hair loss is considered physiological when it is around 50-100 hairs per day.  We speak, on the other hand, of abnormal or pathological hair loss when more than 100 hairs per day are lost and the amount of hair in the shedding phase is visibly greater than that in the growth phase. If this problem goes well beyond a limited time, it is necessary to consult a trichologist, who will assess the type of hair loss in order to intervene effectively.

Cost hair transplant Switzerland: which treatment to choose 

When analysing the cost hair transplant Switzerland, several treatments are considered. The most suitable is undoubtedly the one proposed by Hasci Swiss. The method used is Hair Stem Cell Transplantation, a revolutionary transplantation based on years of research into hair stem cells. HST is recommended for anyone, both women and men, and has proven to be more effective than any other treatment, ensuring a permanent result. Hair Stem Cell Transplantation is the result of the studies of Dr. Coen Gho, who has dedicated himself to the study of an entirely new and less invasive transplantation technique using hair stem cells. 

How Hair Stem Cell Transplantation works

Transplantation of Has Swiss is based on the ability of stem cells to regenerate. Even a small portion contains enough stem cells to grow new hairs in the receptor area. The regenerative capacity of stem cells also generates more hair from a single graft. In this way, high hair density is created in a completely natural way. The clinics work to the highest medical standards. From the very first appointment, the patient is supported in choosing the treatment best suited to his or her needs and requirements. He is also followed in the post-operative phase, should there be any side effects. Generally, anyone suffering from hair loss or hair loss can undergo the best Hair Stem Cell Transplantation. However, a prior diagnosis is always necessary, to find out whether and how the treatment should be carried out.

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